Quiz 1  
a-, an- no; lacking ;none
ab- away from; out from
ac- to; toward
~aceus; ~aceous of or pertaining to
acou- hearing
acr-; acro- extreme; peak
ad- to; toward
adeno- gland
agri- field; soil
~al having character of
alb- white
~algia pain
alto- high
ameb- change; alternation
amphibi- leading a double life
ampho-; amb- both
an- not; without
ana- up
andro- masculine; man
anemo- wind
angio- vessel
ante- before; ahead of time
antero- front
antho- flower
anti- against
anthropo- man
ap- to; toward
aqu- water
archaeo- primitive; ancient
arthro- joint
aster-; astr- stars
~ate used in forming verbs from nouns
~ation used in forming nouns from verbs
atom- vapor
audi- hear
auto- self
bactr- stick; club
barb- beard
baro- weight
bath- depth; height
bene- well; good
bi- two; twice; double
bio-; bi- life; living
~blast sprout; germ
brachi- having arms
branchi- having fins
brev- short
bronch- windpipe
calor- heat
carb- coal; carbon
cardi- heart
carn- meat
carp- fruit
carpal- wrist
caud- tail
Quiz 2  
cell- storeroom; chamber
~cene new; recent
centi- hundreth
centr- center
cephal- head
cervic- neck
chem- reffering to chemistry
chlor- green
chrom-; chrome- color
chym- juice
~cide killing
circum- around; about
cirru- hairlike curls
co- with; together
cocc- seed
coel- hollow
coll- glue
com- with; together
con- with; together
coni- cone
contra- against
corp- body
cosmo- world; order; form
cotyl- cup
counter- against
crypt- hidden; covered
~cule; ~culus added to nouns to form diminutive
cucmul- heaped
cuti- skin
cyan- dark blue
~cycle; cyci- ring; circle
cyst- bladder; pouch
cyt-; ~cyte cell; receptacle
dacty- finger
deca- ten
deci- tenth
deliquesc- become fluid
demi- half
dendr- tree
dent- tooth
derm- skin
di- two; double
dia- through; across
digit finger; two
din- terrible
dis- apart, out
dorm- sleep
dors- back
du-; duo- two
~duct lead
dynam- power
dys- ill; bad
ec- out of; outside
echin- spiny; prickly
eco- house
                       QUIZ #3  
ect- outside; without
electro- electric; electricity
en- in; into
~en made of
encephal- brain
end-; ent- within; in
enter- intestines
~eous nature of; like
epi- on; above
~err wander; go astray
erythro- red
ethno- race; people
eu- well; good
extra- beyond; outside of
ex- out of
~fer bear; carry; produce
ferro- iron
fibr- fiber; thread
~fid; fis- divided into; split
~flect; ~flex bend
flor- flower
fluor- flourine
foli- leaf
fract- break
galact-; galax- milk; milky fluid
gastro- stomach
geo- land; earth
~gen; ~gine producer; former
~gene; gene- origin
~gest carry; produce
glob- ball; round
glottis mouth of windpipe
~gon angle; corner
~gony offspring; generation
~grade step; division
~gram writing; record
~graphy; ~graph writing; record
grav- heavy
gross thick
gymno- naked
gyn- female
gyr- ring; circle; spiral
haem-; hem- blood
hepat- liver
herb- grass
hetero- different; other
hex- six
hibern- winter
      QUIZ #4
hipp- horse
hist- tissue
holo- entire; whole
homo- man
homo- same; alike
hort- garden
hybrid- mongrel
hydr- water
hygr- wet; moist
hypo- beneath; under; less
hyper- above; beyond; over
hypho- weaving
hypno- sleep
~ic added to nouns to form adjectives
ichthy- fish
ign- fire
im- not
in- to; toward; into
in- not
~ine of or pertaining to
infro- below; beneath
inter- between
intra- within; inside
~ion go; come
~ism a state or condition
iso- equal; same
~it is inflammation; disease
kilo- thousand
lachry- tear
lact- milk
lat- side; flank
~less without
leuc- white; bright; light
lign- wood
lin- line
lingu- tongue
liqu- become fluid; liquid
lip- fat
lith; ~lite stone; petrifying
loc- place
~logy study
~lysis; ~lyte dissolve; decompose
~lyst dissolve; decompose
macr- large
mal- bad; evil
malle- hammer
mamm- breast
marg- border; edge
mast- breast
med- middle
meg- great; million
mela-; melan- black; dark
mes- middle; half; intermediate
met-; meta- between; along; after
meteor- lofty; high; in air
~meter; ~metry way of measuring; instrument for measuring
metro- uterus
      QUIZ #5
micro- small
milli- thousandth
mis- wrong; incorrect
mito- thread; filament
mole- mass
mono- one; single
mont- mountain
mort- death
mov-; mot- move
morph- shape; form
multi- many
mycel- theadlike
mycet- fungus
myria- many
moll- soft
nas- nose
nemat- thread
neo- new; recent
nephro- kidney
~ner- moist; liquid
neur-; nerv- nerve; tendon
noct-; nox- night
~node knot
~nomy; -nome distribute; arrange; law
non- not
not- back
nuc- center
ob- against
ocul- eye
oct- eight
odont- tooth
~oid like in form or shape
olf- smell
omni- all
oo- egg
opthal- eye
opt-; opsy eye; vision
orb- circle; round; right
orth- straight; correct; right
oscu- mouth of windpipe
oste- bone
~ous full of; abounding in
ov- egg
oxy- sharp; acid; oxygen
pachy- thick
paleo- old; ancient
palm- broad; flat
pan- all
par- beside; near; equal; bring forth
path-; ~pathy disease; suffering
~ped foot
pent- five
  QUIZ #6
per- through
permea- pass; go
phag- eat
pheno- show
phil- living; fond of
phon-; ~phone sound
~phore bearer
photo- light
phyc- seaweed; algae
~phyll leaf
physi- nature; natural; qualities
~phte; phyt- plant
plan- roaming; wandering
plasm-; ~plast form; formed into
pleur- rib; lung
pneumo- lungs; air
~pod foot
poly- many; several
por- opening
port- carry
post- after; behind
pom- fruit
pre- before; ahead of time
pro- forward; favoring
procto- rectum; anus
proto- first; primary
pseud- false; deceptive
pter- having wings or fins
pulmo- lungs
puls- drive; push
pyr- heat; fire
quadr- four; four-fold
quin- five
radi- ray, spoke of a wheel; energy in rays
re- again; back
rect- correct; right
ren- kidney
ret- net; made like a net
rhin- nose
rhiz- root
rubr- red
saccharo- sugar
sapr- rotten
saur- lizard
scler- hard
sci- know
scope look; observe
~scribe; script write
semi- half; partly
sept- partition; seven
septic- putrefaction; infection
sex- six
~sis condition; state
sol- sun
solv- loosen; free
somn- sleep
son- sound
spec-; spic- look at
sperm- seed
spher- ball
~spire breathe
spore seed
stat- standing; placed
stell- stars
stern- breast; chest
stom-; ~stome mouth 
strat- layer
stereo- solid; three dimensions
strict- drawn tight
styl- pillar
sub- under; below
super- over; above; on top
sur- over; above; on top
sym-; syn- together
tachy- quick; swift
tarso- ankle
tax- arrangement
tele- far off; at a distance
terr- earth
tetr- four
thall- young shoot
therm- heat
~tom cut; slice
toxico- poison
top- place
trans- across
tri- three
trich- hair
troph- one who feeds; well fed
trop- turning; changing
~ule diminutive
ultra- beyond; outside of
ur- urine
vas- vessel
vect- carry
ven-; vent- come
ventr- belly
vice- in place of
vig- strong
vit-; viv- life
volv- roll; wander
vor- devour; eat
xanthin- yellow
zo-; ~zoa animal
zyg- yolk
zym- yeast