Writing aFormal Laboratory Report


Format includes size 12 font and Times New Roman, double space, and normal margins.Each section should include a title.Write the report in third person, with no references to you or any person that completed the laboratory.


Title (10 points)

Informative/descriptive but brief.


�Transforming E. coli HB101 Bacteria with the pGLO Plasmid�


Abstract (15 points)

Abstract is a summary of the whole report.It should be about 200-300 words in length.It should include about a sentence or two from the following topics:

����������� Purpose

����������� Background information

����������� Methods

����������� Results

����������� Conclusion



Introduction (15 points)

The introduction gives the reader any and all the information that is relevant to the laboratory report.It should include an explanation of the purpose, the reasoning for the purpose, and the necessary principles that explain the purpose.It should be finished up with the hypothesis and an explanation of the hypothesis and prediction, if applicable.



Materials & Methods (10 points)

This should include all the steps that were takien in completing your experiment.They can be in bulleted or paragraph format.Be specific where applicable.Do NOT list the materials but include them in your explanation of the methods.



Results (10 points)

This is where any tables or figures are placed.All tables and figures are to be properly titled.Anything that is NOT a table (graphs, diagrams, etc�) is named/labeled as a figure.All axes are to be correctly labeled and all data MUST have units.Any calculations or statistics are to be placed in the results section.If using statistical equations, be sure to include their HO: & HA:.Failure to label axes or numbers (data) will result in no credit for the results section.


Conclusion/Discussion (15 points)

Start this section by restating the hypothesis or purpose.Then give the conclusion of the experiment.Finally, use/cite the RELEVANT data that supports the conclusion.The conclusion should support or not support the hypothesis, NEVER prove.


Bibliography (10 points)

Include all references used, either by MLA or APA style/format.


Participation Points (15 points)

These are lost if a student chooses not to participate in the laboratory or if the student violates any of the classroom/laboratory safety guidelines during the laboratory.