February 19, 2003

Dear Parents,

    Given concerns about terrorism and war, we wish to communicate to you in brief how St. Mark�s is prepared to respond to crises.

    We have reviewed our Crisis Plan, a document which appears in the Faculty Handbook and which is being communicated to all members of faculty and staff with updates.

    Campus security has been heightened and additional personnel have been added to our security force.

    Should they be necessary, plans are in place for campus lock down or evacuation.  

    Supplies, including water, foodstuffs, and communications devices are available in strategic locations on campus.

    Our Crisis Plan allows for a multiplicity of scenarios and has been established to respond to different levels of crises. As Headmaster, I chair the Crisis Response Team which is comprised of members of the administrative staff.

    Should you have any questions about our preparedness, please do not hesitate to call me. Our first priority is the safety and well being of all members of the St. Mark�s community.

                                                                            Yours truly,
                                                                            Arnie Holtberg