Middle School Wilderness program
6th Grade We take the 6th graders to Dinosaur Valley State Park located in Somerville county northwest of Glen Rose for two days and one night. The park is set along eastward dipping limestone, sandstone and mudstone that have been eroded and carved by the Paluxy River. The terrain is woody, hilly, semi rocky and covered in cross timbers and prairie vegetation. This is an introduction trip where the boys learn basic outdoor skills and self reliance.
7th graders The seventh graders head to the Texas Oklahoma border to the Cross Timbers Trail along the south shore of lake Texoma. This trail has been called "the toughest little trail in Texas". The boys backpack with their advisories for three days and two nights learning more backpacking skills and putting them to use.
8th graders The eighth graders head to the Texas Oklahoma border to the Cross Timbers Trail along the south shore of lake Texoma. This trail has been called "the toughest little trail in Texas". The boys backpack with their advisories for three days and two nights gaining more skills and experience to prepare them for the Pecos trip.
Equipment needed
Large Frame or Internal Frame Backpack -- must be large enough to hold all of the necessary equipment and food. It should be sturdily made, and in good overall condition. This pack should include a padded hip belt, as well as have additional straps for attaching sleeping bag to pack.
Sleeping Bag -- should be rated to at least 20 degrees, and should include a waterproof stuff sack.
Hiking Boots or Sturdy Tennis Shoes
1 Pair of Long Pants -- We suggest polar fleece, as they will insulate while wet and they dry very fast.
1 Tee Shirts -- this is counting the shirt you wear on the bus. You should only have one extra shirt packed.
1 Long Sleeve Work Shirts or Long Underwear-- A capilene shirt or flannel would be fine.
1 Heavy Wool Sweater or Fleece -- This is your jacket, and it is important that you not take the item lightly.
1 Nylon Windbreaker -- lined or unlined.
1 Pair of Wool or Polypro Hiking Socks
1 Pair of Heavy Gym Socks -- as a change around camp.
1 Pair of Hiking Shorts --
1 Pair of Underwear
1 Large Bandanas -- to be used for a number of things.
1 Heavy Stocking Cap -- this is a must.
1 Backpacking Poncho or Rain Gear
1 Pair of Cotton Gloves -- to handle pots and utensils around the fire.
1 Wide Brim Crushable Hat or baseball cap-- for sun and rain protection.
1 Waterproof Ground Cloth -- this can be a piece of cut plastic large enough for the sleeping bag.
1 Ground Pad -- for warmth and comfort.
2 Quart Size Water Bottles -- large mouth is much easier to fill. A Nalgene 32 oz. Bottle is best.
1 Tablespoon -- There is no real need for a fork. (It is just added weight)
1 Plastic or Metal Bowl - insulated or wrapped with duct tape.
1 Plastic or Metal Mug - insulated since this will be used for hot liquids.
1 Old Pillow Slip w/ Plastic Garbage Bag as Liner -- this will be used to pack food.
Large Plastic Garbage Bag --
used to cover backpack at night.
1 Small Pocketknife -- 3" blade maximum.
Personal Toiletries -- toothbrush, toothpaste, sunscreen, chapstick, personal medication (to be cleared with group leader), BIODEGRADABLE soap.
Camera -- optional, but always nice.
1 Small Flashlight -- with new batteries.