Welcome from Arnold E. Holtzberg Headmaster History Lower School Middle School Upper School

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headmaster2.jpg (10155 bytes) "Our goal is to produce young men who are committed to making a difference in their communities and the world.  The development of character is central to our purpose and we hope that each of our students is equipped to address his present and future opportunities with confidence and imagination."

As a college preparatory institution, St. Mark's School of Texas prepares boys and young men for each successive step of their academic careers.   However, our ambitions are not limited to the scholastic alone.  It is our mission to educate the "whole boy," providing each of our students with the tools necessary to be successful in and out of the classroom.  Additionally, as a boys' school we are able to address clearly and directly the particular characteristics and learning needs that boys exhibit.

Our highly qualified and outstanding faculty has carefully crafted a rich and varied curriculum aimed at helping students acquire knowledge and develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.  Teachers make sure that students go well beyond simply learning the facts.  Marksmen read, write, and think critically across the arts and sciences and at all grade levels.  To complement this academic experience, St. Mark's offers boys an array of opportunities for involvement and leadership in the School community and on its playing fields.  Whether in or out of the classroom, activities at St. Mark's aim at motivating students to realize their potential, rewarding both striving and achieving.

The School's major objective is to prepare young men for lives of responsibility and leadership in a competitive and ever-changing world.  To this end, we profess and uphold certain values including integrity, honor, courage, acceptance of responsibility for one's actions, the ability to defer gratification in pursuit of one's goals, service to the broader community, and commitment to working with others to make a difference on campus and in the world.

Choosing the right school involves a number of decisions.   We hope that as you work your way through this important process, you will visit St. Mark's to learn why we are so excited about this School and the opportunities it holds for boys.

Arnold E.Holtberg
Eugene McDermott Headmaster

| Welcome | History | Lower School | Middle School | Upper School |

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