Welcome from Arnold E. Holtzberg Headmaster History Lower School Middle School Upper School

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"Science should be taught as a 'hands-on' subject with experiments and laboratory work.  Studying science is hard work, but it can also be made to be fun."

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The Upper School is a challenging, stimulating, close-knit environment which encourages your son to develop his talents, pursue his interests, and become his best self in and out of the classroom.  In all we do, we seek to promote six vital qualities:  integrity, confidence, judgment, passion, ethics, and balance.

A strong and comprehensive college preparatory curriculum ensures that students gain breadth and depth in the arts and sciences, going well beyond the acquisition of factual information to develop keen analytical and problem-solving skills.  A wide array of extra-curricular offerings -- athletics, fine arts, community service, and leadership -- allows boys to contribute to the School community and extend their talents and interests.

Upper Schoolers have a great deal of freedom to make choices. With this freedom, each boy is expected to be responsible for his own behavior and respectful of others.  This expectation establishes a framework within which students, faculty, and parents create a cooperative environment where learning in the broadest sense is the work of the School.

Your son will be encouraged to take risks by trying activities and classes which challenge and stretch him.  The School values both striving and achieving in all its boys. Making an honest effort, learning from mistakes, and giving full measure in all endeavors are promoted and reinforced.

An active coordinate program between St. Mark's and The Hockaday School provides a number of opportunities for boys and girls to interact.  A variety of coordinate classes, extracurricular activities, and the award-winning Hockaday-St. Mark's Community Service Program are among the programs which foster mutual understanding and collaboration between young men and young women.

To develop the habit of service to the broader community, Upper Schoolers perform a minimum of fifteen hours of community service each year in a variety of interesting and rewarding programs.  To allow each student to develop skill in public presentation and to share a talent, interest, or experience with the rest of the School community, each senior presents a Senior Exhibition as partial fulfillment of his graduation requirements.

Central to the School's mission is the development of character, including integrity and responsibility.  This is reflected in the high level of involvement and influence in School affairs granted to students.  We prepare for leadership in an ever-changing and dynamic world young men who are passionate about the pursuit of excellence and compassionate toward others.

Head of the Upper School

| Welcome | History | Lower School | Middle School | Upper School |

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