Travel Study Opportunities
A. School Sponsored Trips
1. Choir Trip 2. Spain 3. Germany 4. Japan 5. Wyoming B. Non-School Sponsored Trips
1. M�xico
(Austin Rucker, Thomas Matter, Alex Brooks, Chace Irwin, Preston Riggs, Tanvir Suri)
-Photo taken in Mexico-
2. Italy 3. Per�
C. St. Mark's provides information to students about other organizations that sponsor students travel, including America Field Services (AFS) ASSIST, the Experiment in International Living, and Youth for Understanding.
D. Swiss Semester ---This program, offered to sophomores, is based in Zermatt, Switzerland and includes travel to major cities in neighboring countries such as Paris and Venice. Students must register for the program in the fall the year prior to the actual semester in which they will be in Switzerland. Participants receive credit for the classes in which they are enrolled while in the program.
E. School Year Abroad---This program, sponsored by a coalition of independent schools, is available to juniors and offers the opportunity to study in Spain, France or China.
Exchange Students: Justin Bohn, Peter Retkovsky, Yuishi Ishi
A. ASSIST students--- Two European students enroll in the Upper School for a year. Recent ASSIST students have been from Germany, Spain and the Czech Republic. B. St. Andrew's Exchange (Japan)---The 1999-2000 school year saw the beginning of an exchange program with St. Andrew's School in Osaka, Japan. One student from St. Andrews's is currently enrolled in the senior class which one St. Mark student is studying at St. Ahenia in 2000-2001. C. Faculty exchange---In 1999-2000, Mr. Curtis Smith, English faculty from St. Mark's exchanged positions with James McLeod, faculty from the Hutchins School (Tasmania, Australia). Exchange opportunities are available for all St. Mark's faculty who apply and receive approval.
D. King Edward's Exchange (England)---Although currently suspended, this program brought a group of English students to St. Mark's and offered our students the opportunity to study in England.
III. Programs Available through the Internet and Satellite
A. Africa Quest, Maya Quest, Asia Quest, Galapagos Quest ---These interactive programs follow a group of cyclists as they explore the geography, science, history and culture of a given region. Teachers use these programs in the sixth-grade Humanities course.
B. Use of the Internet to provide images and information about other countries and cultures are provided in various classes to enrich the learning experience.
C. Video conferences via satellite-St. Mark's is participating in a pilot program in which our students communicate with students in a Honduran School via satellite. There are hopes to expand this program to other countries in the future.
The school offers several clubs that engage the students in exploring global cultures and political questions. They include the Lower School Japanese Club, the Spanish and German Clubs, Amnesty International, and Free the Children.
St. Mark's employs a number of faculty members from abroad, each of whom brings the perspective of his/her own culture to the classroom. Current foreign-born faculty members include: Mariko Jinbo (Japan), Etsuko Barber (Japan), Mitsuyo Odom (Japan), Jorge Correa (Chile), Cory Martin (Cuba), Mihai Opera (Romania), Michael Bennett (England), and Arthur Douglas (England).
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